20 June 2023

Three interesting facts about St. John and Florence

Like many cities, Florence has its patron, but not many boast such a special relationship with their saint. In this article we want to reveal three interesting facts about Saint John and Florence. Ceremonies, celebrations and rituals are held in his name that Florentines still love to carry on to this day to respect the centuries-old tradition.


This is the most famous coin of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance as it was accepted throughout much of Europe. It was minted in the Palazzo Vecchio and there were very severe punishments for those who tried to counterfeit it. One of the two sides is engraved with him, St. John, who as a symbol of economic and moral rectitude gave birth to the saying “St. John does not want deception.”

To this day the coin is still given as a gift to those who have distinguished themselves for merit in some field, or to commemorate a special moment in life such as retirement.
A popular belief says that if you wear the florin as a necklace you should make sure that St. John is on the side that touches your skin for good health and luck.


Every year on the 24th of June, the day ends with spectacular fireworks that celebrate both St. John and the winning team in the three matches of Historical Football (Calcio Storico Fiorentino) that takes place in Piazza Santa Croce.

This is a sport that can be considered an ancestor of soccer and rugby, since it is very physical and sometimes violent, which comes to life each year. Four teams, symbolizing the historic center, compete against each other and are distinguished by colors: the Whites of Santo Spirito, the Blues of Santa Croce, the Reds of Santa Maria Novella and finally the Greens of San Giovanni. We could say that it’s a show that you can go and see if you are lucky enough to get the tickets!

The coats of arms of the 4 teams of Historic Football

The Historical Football Pageant

A game between the Blues and the Reds

The arena in Piazza Santa Croce


Since ancient times there has been a tradition that to this day some Florentines still like to observe. The night of St. John, exactly the night between June 23rd and 24th, is considered a magical night.
It is precisely at this time that a special scented water is prepared: it’s called the “Acqua di San Giovanni” (Saint John’s water).

If you want to prepare it according to tradition, you have to go to the countryside and equip yourself with a basket to collect wild herbs and flowers. You can easily find lavender, mallow, mint, sage, rosemary, poppies and roses. According to the ritual, the flowers and herbs should be collected in odd numbers by a woman, preferably fasting, as soon as the last ray of sun has set.
Everything is placed in a basin filled with water, preferably not plastic, which is left outside the house in the moonlight. Belief has it that at night the herbs absorb the magical properties that only this night in a year offers.
The next day one can wash hands and face with the water propitiatory of well-being, love and good luck.

Come to Florence and discover curiosities related to St. John’s!