19 July 2023

The “wine windows” of Florence

Those who come to visit Florence cannot help but wonder what, or who, these mini-doors that are scattered around the city at human height are for. We will tell you their extraordinary story so you can look for them yourself.

Little door for the wine and entrance door of a building in Florence

“I discovered small doors that look like they were made for gnomes. What are they for?”

If we had a nickel for all the times our guests have asked this question! One would think that there is some kind of legend, or ritual, behind these small wooden doors, about 20cm by 30cm, that are often found near the entrances of many ancient buildings.

The answer is that they were used for the direct sale of wine and oil from producer to buyer.

In fact, one of the most profitable activities, as well as often linked to the great noble families of the past, were the production of wine and oil.

To this day there are many wines that still bear the names of the families that made their history such as “Frescobaldi,” “Ricasoli or “Antinori.” The customer would knock, the producer would open the little window, take the empty flask and fill it with their product in exchange for a fee.

Here are some examples of “buchette” or “wine windows” that you can discover for yourself by walking around Florence. They are very easy to find, especially in the Oltrarno district (across the Arno River). It will certainly be a fun pastime!

Instructions sculpted on marble to notice opening hours of the

To the present day, the buchette have been rediscovered by many entities that have taken care of them, restored them and put them back in business.

There is also an association that was created for the preservation and promotion of the historic “buchette” that has also created a link where you will find all the currently active buchette where you can go and drink some good wine:

What are you waiting for to come and find the buchette?