20 August 2023

The rarities of the Stibbert Museum

Everyone is now familiar with the Uffizi, the Accademia and all the beauties that the Historical center offers its visitors, but in this article we want to tell you about a real hidden gem just a stone’s throw from the center.

Swords and other pieces of armour

Imagine the atmosphere: autumn just started, it is not cold, but it is raining now and then, and the colors of nature are more fascinating than ever.

If you wanted to see a movie it would most likely be a thriller, a good mystery movie or even a horror film. In short, anything that reminds you of the Halloween season seems like a good idea to prepare you for the usual fall season.

If you are in this mood then you can’t miss the atmosphere of this museum that boasts a unique collection of weapons, armor, costumes and antique furnishings of extraordinary workmanship. It is also a great alternative for families due to the fact that it also has a magnificent garden.

We owe all this precious heritage to Frederick Stibbert who was born in Florence in 1838. He had the good fortune to be educated in Cambridge, as he was English by father, but he was always very attached to his Florentine residence, which is now turned into a museum.

The entire Stibbert family always strongly followed the military tradition that brought the opportunity to travel and discover the passion for collecting.

Stibbert put together the fortune we can visit today over the course of 50 years by selecting fine objects from antique markets throughout Europe. It was he himself who decided that all his possessions should become a public museum and be entrusted to the city of Florence upon his death.

The collection is so extensive that it covers European, Islamic, and even Japanese armory. All the collection that comes from Japan is absolutely valuable when you consider that this country was totally closed to trade for much of the 18th century.

If weapons and armor are not your thing don’t worry! You will also find a large collection of porcelain, paintings, and costumes (including the cloak that Napoleon wore at the coronation of the King of Italy).

Heavy coat armours
Knight on his horse
Islamic knights
Scimitars and other weapons
Coat of armor
Shields and helms
traditional japanese armour
traditional japanese objects
Other traditional japanese armour
example of a European army
Other knights preparing to war
antique oriental porcelain
Helms of the army of the Pope Pio IX
Cape of Napoleon
Example of clothing of the XVIII century

If you were lucky enough to enjoy a beautiful day, we recommend spending a few hours in the Stibbert Park, which is full of little secrets to discover: from the Hellenistic temple to the Egyptian temple to the stable and lemon house.
If you are lucky you may also observe a few water turtles and ducks inhabiting the Egyptian Temple pond.

The Stibbert garden
The Stibbert Garden and the villa

What are you waiting for? Book your Florence vacation now and come visit the museum!