31 March 2023

Sunsets and solstices in Florence

If you are on holiday, one that can be defined worthy of this name, you can’t miss the opportunity to witness at least one sunset, and Florence is second to none! When the sun’s golden rays brighten up the city right before dusk, a daydream begins.

In addition to the classic sunset on the “Lungarni” (meaning on the banks of the Arno River) we wish to recommend you a trip to Piazzale Michelangelo from which there is a breathtaking view of the entire center of Florence. There is also a copy of the renowned Michelangelo’s David that towers in the middle of the square. It is here that Florence become lively, especially during summer where artist come to sing songs and dances come to life spontaneously, making the atmosphere truly unique until late at night.

Sunset on the Lungarni in Florence

Sunset on the "Lungarni"

Sunset though the Ponte Vecchio

Sunset though Ponte Vecchio

Sunset at Piazzale Michelangelo

Sunset at Piazzale Michelangelo

Sunset at Forte Belvedere

A still little-known panoramic spot, and certainly easy to reach if you feel like taking a cab or have a little stroll up on a beautiful uphill road, is Forte Belvedere. It is in fact the hill that is connected with the Boboli Gardens. From here you have a wonderful view of the city. This is why this place was also perfect for the construction of a fortress in ancient times.

Besides enjoying a magnificent sunset you can also take a look at the fortress itself which was built in the late 16th century as the Medici family wanted to keep an eye on the city. In fact during that century the most powerful family in Florence moved from the Palazzo Vecchio, placed in the historic center, to the Pitti Palace just across the Arno River. Since the family had made a fair number of enemies in history, they thought that it was necessary to build a fort so that they could avoid any possible city riots, foresee the arrival of enemies in advance, and wanted to tower over the city to remind all the inhabitants of the power of their family now known throughout the world.

Finally, if you come to Florence exactly in conjunction with the summer solstice, that is, June 21st, you can experience with your own eyes two wonderful astronomical events that few people know about.

In fact, both the Duomo and the Abbey of San Miniato al Monte hide a sun-related secret. On that exact day inside the Duomo, the sun will shine on a spot specifically marked on the floor that has been there for hundreds of years that indicates the beginning of summer. The same day in San Miniato the sun will shine on the symbol of the zodiac of Cancer that has been located on the floor of the abbey since 1207 a.C. You surely won’t be able to forget such an adventure!

San Miniato al monte right before sunset

Abbey of San Miniato al Monte

Credit by: Ivan Herman

The inside of Duomo's dome

Dome of the Duomo

Come experience summer and the magic of the sun in Florence!