20 May 2023

Going for a jog in Florence

We know very well that “being on holiday” doesn’t sound the same for a true running enthusiasts. We know that it is most probable that the first thing they will put in their suitcase will be running shoes. Therefore, we couldn’t help but dedicate an article to you about the best jogging trails in Florence!

Running can certainly be part of a good holiday. It allows you to stay fit, to discover unusual places that you would never have visited if not during a nice morning jog. In short, it can certainly be the genuine discovery that takes us beyond the usual points of interest typical of the mere role of a tourist.

Parco delle Cascine

Few people know that also Florence has its own little green lung. We are certainly not talking about Central Park! Our park is called “Parco delle Cascine,” which has an area and 1.6 square kilometers and it winds along the upper bank of the Arno River west of the historic center of Florence.

Originally this whole area was supposed to be an agricultural estate created for Cosimo I De’ Medici, but over the centuries it has been transformed into a long park that is perfect for a healthy run.

It offers no elevation gain, so it is an easy run, perfect for those who want to feel like they are on vacation.

View from Forte Belvedere

If you are well trained, and you are looking for elevation gains to run up or down, we recommend a truly breathtaking ride. We’d suggest to start warm up until you reach the banks of the Arno river.

Running near the Arno is easier in some sections because there are bike lanes that sort passersby and offer more room to pass any tourists. Go as far as Ponte alle Grazie and head toward Via dei Bardi.

At this point turn onto Costa Scarpuccia and then Costa San Giorgio, which are two of the most unique streets in Florence. In fact they follow the slopes of one of the hills that surround Florence. As you go up you will eventually reach  “Forte Belvedere”, which will offer you an extraordinary view of the entire city.

View from Viale Michelangiolo while doing jogging

The last trail that we suggest you will take you to the famous Piazzale Michelangelo. Again we are talking about elevation gain rewarded by unparalleled views.

The trail that you’ll follow is about 4 km long starting from Ponte Vecchio. After enjoying the Lungarno Serristori, which offers a wide sidewalk very comfortable for running, you will reach the beginning of a large tree-lined avenue, called Viale Michelangiolo, which offers a rather gentle climb.

It is extremely pleasant even in summer since, thanks to the many trees on both sides of the avenue, you are never fully exposed to the sun. Also on the way up, one discovers various views of Florence that become richer and richer in detail as one ascends.

Come jogging in Florence!