4 October 2023

Florentine curiosities: the magnificent ceilings of the Palazzo Vecchio

Have you noticed that no one ever looks at the ceiling of a room? Well, if you go to visit the Palazzo Vecchio, we highly recommend that you look up so that you won’t miss some of the Renaissance beauty that you will discover.

The hall of the 500 in Palazzo Vecchio

There is no corner of the Palazzo Vecchio that will not leave you breathless. It is a real gem, unique in the world, which will not leave you indifferent.

Take for example the magnificent “Salone dei Cinquecento,” which is one of those places where there is so much beauty that you do not know where to look at. The ceiling is completely covered with paintings that tell the stories of great figures in history such as Cosimo 1rst dei Medici. There are impressive frescoes and works by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and a little Vasari’s touch.

In short, we all agree that the grandeur of such works overshadows other more minute but certainly noteworthy masterpieces found in the other rooms of the palace. We advise you not to miss those either!

The ceiling of Palazzo Vecchio

Looking up in the less imperious rooms of the Palazzo Vecchio you will discover magnificent elaborated ceilings that hide other details about the history of Florence.

A typical example is the ceiling found in the “Sala dell’Udienza” with its large gilded octagonal coffers, with small square coffers in between. In the center a button with the “cross of the People” surrounded on either side by four cherubs makes it a little masterpiece.

Below you can find more photos showing repeated symbolism that has its own importance. In fact, if you know a little about the history of Florence you will know that symbols are important and a source of power. They are the key to the legitimization of the power of those who inhabit the Palace over those outside. For example: the golden lily on a blue field was inherited from the French influence of the time whose royal family was the first to establish that they were entitled to the throne by “divine right.” Adopting the same symbol meant that the Medici also had the same right to Florence.

The ceiling of Palazzo Vecchio
The ceiling of Palazzo Vecchio
The ceiling of Palazzo Vecchio
The ceiling of Palazzo Vecchio

What are you waiting for to come and discover the wonders of the Palazzo Vecchio?