2 May 2023

Florence with kids

You know it’s great to explore and travel, but you should always have an eye for the little ones and create experiences that can be fun and stimulating. We have seen Florence through the eyes of a child and would like to give you some suggestions.

Sara Papini Tourist Guide in Florence

Often people who come to Florence have had a long trip and we completely understand the eager of visiting as many museums as possible.

At the same time, the little ones might get bored or nervous, making the visit unpleasant for everyone.
For this reason, we suggest you to get prepared and book your tours in advance with specialized tourist guides that provide a tailor-made tour of classic museums with children.

One of them is undoubtedly Sara Papini who, being a mother herself and a tourist guide, has created tours that will be able to leave a great memory for all members of the family.

You can find her website with the best family tours here.

Florence Museum of Natural History

Florence also offers a wide range of museums that leave room for topics that more easily engage the minds of young visitors.

In general, museums based on science or nature are recommended.

Some of the most renowned examples, as well as very beautiful even for adults, are: the Galileo Science Museum, the Leonardo interactive museum, the Natural Museum: La Specola, the Toys and Pinocchio Museum, the Boboli Gardens, or the Paleontological Museum.

Gelato Ice Cream

Don’t forget to delight them with ice cream!

In fact, Florence boasts a great tradition related to this delicacy. Not many people know that the first ice cream was made for Catherine dei Medici, Queen of France, who was born, however, in Florence.

Thanks to this tradition, it will be very easy to find excellent artisan gelato shops around the city. The ones that are easiest to find, as well as counted among the absolute best, are on the other end of the bridges right after the famous Ponte Vecchio and we are in fact talking about the “Gelateria Santa Trinita” and “Gelateria la Carraia” which are named after Florentine bridges on which they are placed.

What are you waiting for? Bring your family to Florence!