7 February 2024

Dora Bruschi: Icon of Love for Florentine Women and the apartment dedicated to her Incredible Story

In the vibrant society of 1960s in Florence, one figure shone like a beacon in the beauty industry: Dora Bruschi. Her determination and love of cosmetics lit the way for Italian women, offering an unprecedented beauty experience. Today, the name “Dora” in our apartment resonates with love and respect, not only as a tribute to her legacy, but as a celebration of an extraordinary woman.

In the 1960s, the beauty industry was emerging in Italy, and against this backdrop the iconic figure of Dora Bruschi was born. Through her passion and commitment to cosmetics, Bruschi redefined beauty standards, introducing innovative products that made personal care an act of self-love and gratitude for Italian women.

Her legacy is tangible in every detail of the apartment that bears her name. Every piece of furniture, every design touch, is a tribute to her philosophy of beauty and personal care. Every time guests cross the threshold of “Dora,” they are immersed in an experience that goes beyond luxury and embraces the deeper concept of self-love.

Concealed within this apartment are paintings that tell the vibrant story of 1960s Florence. The pictures depict women on mopeds, at the “Piazzale Michelangelo”, captured in the juncture of a city in ferment. These photographs are not just decorations; they mirror a society that saw and conquered our Dora Bruschi. They represent the energy, freedom and beauty of an era that shaped the icon that still inspires the apartment that bears her name.

The name “Dora” is thus a tribute to a woman who turned cosmetics into an art, with products that not only beautified but also expressed a message of love and appreciation for one’s own beauty, unique to each woman.

It is noteworthy that Dora Bruschi’s brand of cosmetics continues to shine in the contemporary aesthetic scene. For those who wish to get closer to her legacy and immerse themselves in the world of her creations, Florence offers a unique opportunity. At the Yesi perfumery, located in the charming Via S. Gallo, 24 R, it is possible to purchase her products. Here, among the elegant shelves, you can explore and experience the exclusive face creams and other cosmetic products that bear the indelible imprint of her vision.

Walking through the streets of this wonderful city, one can still feel the essence of love and care that Dora Bruschi instilled in the hearts of Italian women.

What are you waiting to discover Dora?