5 July 2023

Helpful hints for discovering your wine

In Tuscany there is an old saying that says “wine makes good blood.”

Indeed, the proverb speaks the truth! By now we know that red wine contains polyphenols, which are natural substances found in grapes that help fight aging. In short, wine is really valuable, and we would like to give you some tips on how to choose it in a simple and understandable way.

red grape for red wine

Each wine owes its properties to the variety of vine that produced the grape. So the first thing to know about a wine is the name, or names, of the grape variety from which it is made.

RED GRAPE VARIETIES: In Tuscany, the most famous vine is Sangiovese. This grape variety gives rise to very balanced wines. Certainly something to prefer if you are undecided. Sangiovese is also what the famous Brunello di Montalcino is made from as it is very suitable for aging wines.

There are other Tuscan varieties, less well known and therefore harder to find, that are produced by local farmers such as Canaiolo and Ciliegiolo, as well as Vermentino Nero and Malvasia Nera. Some grape varieties are rarer to find as they are more easily diseased, but we can assure you that if you dare to try them you will discover the real difference between one red wine and another.

WHITE GRAPE VARIETIES: The most renowned white grape variety is undoubtedly the Vernaccia di San Gimignano from which a very fresh, dry and intense wine is made. We recommend you try it, if you can find it, because Vernaccia is truly unique. However, Tuscany also grows grape varieties that are adapted to sweeter and softer wines, thanks to a warm and varied climate, such as Moscato Bianco or Malvasia Bianca.


You can ask anyone, but the answer will always be the same “you have to try many wines to figure out what you like.
So the first piece of advice is just that: uncork the bottle and try it.

However, there are some key points that can help you figure out what is right for you.

Wine Aroma Wheel

First we recommend that you smell the wine. At first it may tell you very little, but slowly you will discover the differences. Help yourself with other scents you know and try to figure out if it smells like red fruits, grass, flowers, and don’t worry about saying something stupid. The important thing is to try!

At this point comes the tasting. You know the people who like sweet and those who prefer savory? Well, with wine it works the same way. There are people who like acidity more and people who like tannin more (which are two opposite sensations).

A wine that has more acidity will refresh your mouth and help salivation, while a wine that has more tannin will give the classic tongue-drying sensation (kind of like when you accidentally chew on a grape stalk. You know that feeling, right?). There are more unbalanced wines, which are more complicated to taste, this is why we recommend start with something balanced, which is usually the best way to start appreciating wine.

The second point you might lean toward is the aging of the wine. If you are a young wine person then you will love fruity aromas and flavors. This kind of wine is usually easy to drink without much trouble, while if you love big flavors, wood and leather aroma, you are a mature wine person.

Some wines that you can find in a restaurant

Regarding pairings, you can read the wine labels, if that is possible before deciding which to order, or use an easy-to-remember suggestion.

Order wine according to the color of your dish: white goes with white (meaning white meat with white wine), rosé with pink meat (usually pork), and finally anything red goes with red. So if I tell you sweet….order a sweet wine.

Nothing could be easier could it?

One last tip: the most expensive wine is not always the best wine. If possible always get advice from the sommelier or waiter and you will make wonderful discoveries.

Come and discover your wine. Book your apartment in Florence!